Ercsi: technical inspection of road and drainage construction.
Budapest, Nagymező Street: complex realization of pavement construction and incidental works.
Karcag-Berekfürdő: bicycle road construction Phase I-II, technical audit.
Pécs: ornate pavement construction of the Nagy Kiállítótér.
Győr: ornate pavement construction of Széchenyi Square.
Budapest: ornate pavement construction of Dorottya Street.
Törökszenmtmiklós Mezőgazdasági Zrt.: project management and technical audit of the complete construction works of the seed plant.
Main road 4, bypass section (Vecsés, Üllő): temporary traffic maintenance; staging and organizing, preparation works.
Quick Trans Hungary Kft.: pavement correctional works, installation of a fire safety system, technical audit.
Törökszentmiklós: complex realization and technical audit of internal collection roads and surface drainage system construction.
Tiszatenyő: railroad-related construction works.
Budapest: Pavement construction of Sas street.
Main road 4, bypass section (Vecsés, Üllő): technical audit on humus removal and transport, and notching and embankment construction work.
Törökszentmiklós, Mezőgazdasági Zrt. Csorba site: construction and execution of a slurry storage tank with additional technology.
Karcag, Kátai Gábor Hospital: Performing construction tasks related to the implementation of the TIOP-2.2.4/09/1-2010-0001 tender titled “Kátai Program - Hospital Development for the Health of the People of Nagykunság”.